Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 10: Goodbye stitches!

The last 3 days haven't been so bad. Little to no pain, aside from the fact that my boyfriend accidentally bumped my toe! OH MY GOODNESS! The throbbing subsided after about 15 minutes. The annoyance has been killing me. I'm dying to get this over with and I really want to do my other foot as soon as yesterday.

Today, Day 10, I went in to get my sutures removed. Once she started, it was extremely painful. The doctor suggested if it was too painful, she can inject Lidocaine to numb my toes. I agreed. I knew I would feel a slight pinch but I was unprepared for how painful it would be! The moment she injected the Lidocaine, I screamed in pain! I immediately started crying, I couldn't hold my tears. The burning sensation was unexplainable. I began to wonder if that's what it feels like to be injected with venom! She injected a dosage per toe and asked if I wanted her to keep going. HELL NO! Had I known it would hurt so terribly, I would have said HELL to the NO to the anesthesia and tolerated the removal of the stitches! I was crying and laughing at the same time!

After that was over, I saw how beautiful my toes are starting to look! They're still swollen and a bit crooked. I bought "Flex-Tastic" for my toes. They're meant to straighten and separate and "restore flexibility". I can't use them just yet but I'm definitely looking forward to trying them out!


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