Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 6

I went to the doctor's to have the dressing changed. It didn't hurt at all, I thought the bandages would be stuck to the stitches but they weren't. My doctor was PISSED when she found out I was walking without my crutches. She said its way too soon and even though I feel like I could walk on my own, my body may be deceptive. I guess. So it's back to crutches I go! WOMP WOMP!

I was praying she would take out the stitches today but she promised she'll take them out in 4 days. On the other hand, I finally saw my toes!! I'm so excited!!

My toes are significantly shorter and straighter. They're still a bit stiff, I've been trying to bend them because I don't want them to be stiff forever! (I'm dramatic.)

She applied ointment on the incisions and wrapped them again. My foot feels SO MUCH BETTER! The ace band isn't so tight now. Also, if you look close enough, it looks like my second toe has a waistline! HAHA, just a bit of humor.

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